In 2001, Congress enacted legislation that required a 2005 Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) round to realign military units, remove excess facility capacity, and support defense transformation. The United States Army used multiple-objective decision analysis to determine the military value of installations and an installation portfolio model to develop the starting point to identify potential unit realignments and base closures, …
Investment in Production Resource Flexibility: An Empirical Investigation of Methods for Planning under Uncertainty
We examine several methods for evaluating resource acquisition decisions under uncertainty. Traditional methods may underestimate equipment benefit when part of this benefit comes from decision flexibility. We develop a new, practical method for resource planning under uncertainty, and show that this approach is more accurate than several commonly used methods. We successfully applied our approach to an investment problem faced …
ASP, The Art and Science of Practice: From Edelman Award to INFORMS Prize—Jeppesen’s 15-Year Journey Toward Analytics Excellence and Lessons Learned Along the Way
For nearly 80 years, Jeppesen has helped people safely reach their destinations by providing aviation professionals worldwide with navigational information, flight-planning services, and operations solutions. About 20 years ago, Jeppesen—like many companies—began to struggle with the transformation from the Triassic age of cumbersome machinery and analog pencil-on-paper decision making to electronic media and charting in the fast-moving digital age. Many …